Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We're In!

We're in! Which was no small feat given that we were locked out of our new house a few hours after taking possession. Oh yes. It was epic. We had to call a locksmith to break into our house on the very first night.

So, who's to blame, you ask? (Well, even if you don't care, I'll tell you.) It was truly a convergence of many unfortunate events. First, although Lew & I were handed a huge key chain full of keys during our walk-through, unbeknownst to us, the keys to all of the deadbolts (which are on every door) and the key to the front door were NOT on the key chain. Hence, we had one key too few for each and every locked door. Nice. Second, the front door key was left on the kitchen counter. There is some debate over who did this; however, the bottom line is that neither Lew nor I knew of the existence of said key. Third, during the closing we realized that we were missing the front door key. At this time I naively commented that we didn't have to go back to the house immediately because we had keys to all of the other locks (of course, I was unaware of the deadbolt situation).

Later that evening, I escorted Lew's grandparents to the house for a looksie. And that's when the other shoe fell - right before we were about to eat this fabulous meal prepared in our honor by my mother-in-law, Susan. This, of course, ruined the dinner. Lew & his dad, Brett, spent most of the evening at the house with a locksmith (named Adam Adam, seriously).

To add insult to injury, the next day we got a phone call from our real estate agent. Apparently, the cleaning crew (I use that term liberally since poor Susan spent all day cleaning the kitchen, again, on Saturday) saw the front door key lying on the kitchen counter & figured they'd lock up the house & place the key under the door mat. Of course, that's the one place that none of us thought to look. And, of course, the cleaners forgot to call anyone to let us know that's where they put the key. Ultimately, many hours, many gray hairs, and several hundreds of dollars later, we resolved the situation.

Here's the new pad. Unfortunately, this is an old picture (from the day we first saw the house.) But, hey, it looks pretty much the same. The yard is much greener though. Brett has spent countless hours preening our yard. Brett is amazing with yard work. He did, however, pull some vines off of our tree out front & threw them onto the road. I keep nagging Lew to remove them before we get the reputation of being the dirty neighbors. No one wants that!

Here's the Master Bedroom. Unfortunately, once again, this is an older picture (hence, not our stuff). I'll post some new pics once we get everything settled.

Susan has also been a God-send. While Lew & I were out shopping for cars, she spent all day Saturday cleaning and kashering the kitchen. (More to come on the car situation soon.) On Sunday, Saint Susan drove all the way to Cape May, NJ to pick up an amazing vintage Secretary's Desk that Lew bought me during our recent vacation. It's absolutely beautiful! (More on the desk & the Cape May trip soon.) Also, Susan spent a good chunk of time Sunday & Monday helping me unpack. Thanks to her help, we're about 80% unpacked. Yay!

Here's the fabulous deck & the back yard. It's heavenly! You can hear the birds chirping & the crickets cricketing. (Sidenote - Speaking of crickets - I was almost named Cricket because my mom went into labor while stepping on a cricket. The reason they went with Sarah? Because I was too quiet to be a Cricket - HA!) Speaking of heavenly, I've been sleeping like a baby (BTW - whoever came up with that expression is crazy) since I moved in on Monday. Part of it might be because of the exhaustion of moving, but I think it's also because the traffic noises in the city always interfered with my sleep. Yay to sweet, sweet sleep!

I'd better sign off for now. Many documents to review and many boxes to unpack before the day is done.

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