Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Living vicariously

Life has a funny (and not ha, ha funny) way of screwing with you. As Murphy's law would have it, the day after I started this blog...and about a million nesting-related projects...I got SLAMMED with work. Alas, this means I may not be posting on my blog as much as I would like (to your disappointment, I'm sure). However, surely I'll need to vent & take a hiatus every once and a while.

Lew & I have postponed our summer vacation to save for the new house. (Lew might take issue with how well I have, in fact, accomplished this "saving" thing.) Therefore, I have been forced to live vicariously through others' vacations. Thanks to my friends who have posted vacay photos on Facebook, I've traveled all around the world (without any nasty jetlag). My brother, JT, just sent me these pics from his recent trip to Colorado.

Aren't they amazing?!? Both JT & I inherited our grandfather, Bus's, love for photography. JT even developed his own pictures at one point, which is pretty cool (but requires waaaayyyyy too much effort/patience for me). Given my need for instant gratification, I doubt I'll ever surpass a nice digital camera. Who else out there takes pics? Do you prefer a specific type of camera?

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