Sunday, August 24, 2008

Craft This

Being crafty is definitely a double-edged sword. On one hand, you feel an amazing sense of accomplishment when you finish a project. On the other hand, you often feel an intense desire to procrastinate, and the subsequent guilt procrastination causes, throughout the duration of the project (unless you're one of those people who finishes a project promptly - if you are - you're no friend of mine).

After beginning and (temporarily) abandoning a photo framing project (but only after I bought about 100 frames off of Ebay), I decided to turn my attention to repainting the trim of our kitchen table & chairs. Little did I know how llllooooooonnnnngggg this type of thing takes. Because I'm going from a dark green to a white, it takes 3-4 coats of paint, plus 2 coats of varnish. So it takes me approximately 4 hours to paint one chair. Fab-u-lous. Needless to say, given that my days are already filled with work & packing, I haven't had an abundance of time to complete this project. Consequently, we now have 1 white chair, 1 semi-white chair (only 2 coats of white paint), 2 green chairs, and a green table.


Here's my work in progress. It does look nice though, doesn't it?

Well, I'd better run - lots of packing to do...


Leena said...

I like to think I have a masters degree in procrastination. At least I damn well should by now. Good to know I'm not alone!

Mary said...

I think I spent every night of our first month in Boston painting a dining set just like this. Luckily, I chose black paint. :)

Sarah said...

LOL! I think every third person I know has that table and chairs (we do!)