Saturday, September 13, 2008
Vroom, vroom...
And I have the practical (but cute) sedan that we’ll take most places. Both cars drive & ride really well.
I didn’t realize how much I missed driving for the last 4 years until I got the car again. Actually, I have never liked driving because I’ve always had cars that have required an inordinate amount of duct tape. So the Altima is a nice change of pace.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Cape May Days
Despite all of my complaining, the 3 day vacation to Cape May was wonderful! Lew spent most of the time at the arcade, where he used his mad skillz at the grabber machine to win a dozen sports watches. He has a serious addiction…er…talent. I spent most of my time shopping & lounging on the beach. The weather couldn’t have been any better – it was in the low 80’s every day.
We stayed at the Mainstay Bed & Breakfast – the oldest Bed & Breakfast in Cape May. Although we’re usually not huge fans of B&B’s – the rooms are usually garish & small, the t.v. non-existent, and the owners too intrusive – this one was a nice surprise. All of the antiques in the house were cool, there were always fully stocked jars of chocolate chip cookies, and there were lots of nooks & crannies to hide in. Most importantly, the Inn was located right in the middle of the town – two blocks away from the Boardwalk & two blocks away from Washington Square (the shopping district).
I LOVED this tete-a-tete at the Inn!
The food in Cape May is pretty awesome. I had amazing blueberry pancakes at Bill’s Pancake House, delicious vegetarian risotto at the Washington Inn, and tasty spicy beef stir-fry at the Black Duck. Mmmmm…. Unfortunately (and this is a huge unfortunately), the vitamins I had just started taking wreaked havoc on my stomach. Spicy Beef + Already Upset Stomach = Not fun!
Lew & I at the Washington Inn.
(Funny sidenote - At this very ritzy restuarant there was a sign in the women's restroom that read, "WARNING - Drinking while pregnant can lead to serious birth defects." Do they seriously have a problem with this?!?)
The trip also reinforced the fact we never ever want to go on vacation during the last couple weeks in August. There were so many people at the beach and so many (screaming, whining, annoying) kids. I considered getting my tubes tied on more than one occasion.
The major highlight of the trip was when I found this 1890’s secretary’s desk at The Whimsical Mermaid. The owners, Terry & Stephen, really loved the piece, but no longer had space for it, so they were happy to sell it to a grateful new homeowner (yes – I had to tell everyone in Cape May that we were days away from closing on our first home). They ended up selling it to me for about half the amount they had it on sale for, not because of my unbelievable negotiating skills, but because they were just that nice. The secretary’s desk is now sitting majestically in our living room by itself because I spent all of our extra cash on the desk instead of any useful furniture. OK, so it might not have been the most brainiac idea of mine to buy a secretary’s desk before getting a couch. But, hey, it’s not called an impulse buy for nothing.
Lew and I took a couple of interesting side trips while in Cape May. We went to the old firehouse that’s been turned into a museum. The old fire truck is really cool! Then, we wanted to get tee-shirts, so we stalked the poor firefighters inside the new firehouse until they noticed us peeping at them through the windows & got us the shirts. Additionally, on our last day, Lew & I visited the Cape May Lighthouse. We both made it all the way to the top (yay)! It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful mini-vacay.
At the top of the Lighthouse.